Sunday, August 2, 2009

What's your name?

I know I've been writing quite frequently about remembering all the good Christ has done for us, but I'm going to again. I went to Kellar Park Church today, and the pastor spoke on that very topic. Coincidence? Probably not. God knows it takes me a while to get stuff sometimes;-)

The pastor talked about how to remind yourself of God's goodness when you can't feel his presence at all. He talked about how in biblical times, even people's names were meaningful in reminding them of God. That really got me thinking about my name and what it means. I don't think my parents named me Traci simply because they liked the name. I think they also liked the meaning of it.

I've looked up my name meaning, and have found a few different ones, but I think they all describe me in some way. In one (and you'll probably find this laughable), my name means "warrior." At first, I thought that was ridiculous because I'm such a non-confrontational person. But then I started to think about it differently. I am an extremely passionate person and will stand up for what I think is right. When people call me by name, maybe that is my reminder from God that I am his warrior. What am I fighting for? Who am I fighting for? Am I fighting for the right reasons? It's an important reminder...

The second name meaning is "industrious," which I find very fitting. I love to be involved in everything and work hard. I also tend to overcommit. When someone says my name, is that God's little reminder that I'm supposed to be working hard for his glory and not my own?

The last name meaning I found is actually something from a certificate of sorts I have hanging in my room. It says my name means "Diligent Harvester, " and the corresponding verse is found in John 4:35: "...behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white and already to harvest." I think this is my reminder that people in this world are ready to hear God's word--I just need to change my outlook and realize it. I can't look around and see the world as condemned. That is not what God calls me to do. My own name should remind me of that.

So what's your name? Are you living up to it?

1 comment:

  1. For what it's worth, Traci, I definitely think of you as a warrior. You just don't fight against people, that's all.
    And my name (first + middle) means watchful one who is like the Lord. I think I'm fairly good with the watchful part, but the second bit is kind of tough to live up to.
